Sunday, 25 March 2007

Marsden, Fire Festival

Fire Festival at Marsden Huddersfield 3rd Feb 2007

Rockingham, tattoo

The Fanatic motor racing fan

Rockingham, stock car

Rockingham Circuit in Northamptonshire

Rockingham stadium

Rockingham Circuit in Northamptonshire

Las Vegas, NASCAR

Worlds largest Stock Car! See the small people on the right.
Taken from inside the NASCAR bar in the Stratosphere Hotel

Las Vegas, Stratosphere Ride

Las Vegas

Venice in Las Vegas!

Las Vegas, Fire Hydrant

Las Vegas, masks

Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Montgolfiers Balloon

For my 50th Las Vegas was the destination

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Cuba, Havana, Mechanic

Mechanics are amongst the best paid workers here

Cuba, Havana, 1954 Chevrolet

1954 Chevrolet on the streets of Havana.
Most of these old American cars actually have Lada engines nowadays, from when the Russians were here, as the original engines packed up years ago. And Chevy parts are somewhat difficult to get hold of here due to the American embargo. So the speed achieved by these cars can best be described as, graceful.

50th Birthday

Proud father, with Lauren and James

BriSCA Formula 1 Stock Car

Frank Wainman 212. Frank retired at the end of the 2007 season. His son Danny now races using his old number. His other son, Frank Junior, races very successfully under the number 515

Cuba, Havana

Posh nightclub. Yes.

Cuba, Havana

My advice? Don’t go. Nice old cars to look at but many derelict buildings. Some actually collapsed into the street while I was there.


Taken in 1979, this was my Kawasaki just days before I smashed it and myself to bits.

Harper Mill, My apartment

My House, Harper Mill

Harper Mill built 1855 in Ashton-under-Lyne Tameside England.
Known locally as Pickles mill, who owned it and had the name, ‘M PICKLES’ in large while letters high up, on the south wall.
The old cotton mill was devastated by fire and partially collapsed on the night of December 4th 1999. It never reopened.
Sailbridge Homes, turned it from a black hulk into 48 bright new apartments in 2004. Not all of the mill was saved and about a third was never rebuilt.
I moved here in November 2005.